Ask anyone, when you are in Iraq, or West Texas, the fine silted dust gets everywhere. Everywhere. Roll up your windows, cover up the A/C intake on your vehicle, and there is still going to be a fine film of sandy dust, everywhere. Lets look at the average firearm- There are places where there must be motion, and some sort of machined tolerances that need a tight fit. Petroleum based lubricants, when mixed with carbon fouling, dust, or dirt make a paste, or even a sort of a clay. Due to the motion of a self loading firearm, bolts and actions moving back and forth, causes the parts doing the work to wipe contaminants back and forth, absorbing oils, making the paste. Anyone who has cleaned a self loading firearm, or a revolver, knows exactly what that goo is like.
Safari Charlie Gun Lube lays down a “Molecular Cushion”, that contains no petroleum, and leaves no residue, and dust and dirt literally fall off of the treated surfaces for truly extended periods. Dirt is repelled, dust is repelled, carbon fouling is repelled, moisture is repelled. It lifts rust, copper and lead fouling. Picking up a “dry” firearm is kinda unnerving, but you will learn to love it, and heck, the citrus scent will keep your significant other from running you out of the house when you are cleaning your firearms! Go get it here!
Safari Charlie Gun Lube is based off of the legendary Houdini Locksmith Lubricant, that is the only liquid transported lubricant recommended by the major lock manufacturers in the U.S.
You will find that you will begin to use Safari Charlie Gun Lube around the house for all kinds of things, replacing many of those lubricants that are the old standbys…
Looking forward to learning more about Safari Charlie Gun Lube!
I used to use the old standbys, now my response is: “WD-whooty?, TRIFLOP?, Rem-Soil?” I do not miss the oily paste in my guns.
Great info, thanks!
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